Currently, the rule in our house is that if a boy wants to contact you one on one, they first need to reach out to dad, ask permission and answer some questions. So far, for whatever reason, this has not happened. From what I hear, my girls tell me that all the boys are terrified of me. I find that crazy, but the students at my school also say that I am not approachable, so maybe I am scary. If my girls only knew that I am the one who is scared. What I desire the most for my children is amazing, happy and healthy relationships in a world that is consumed with self. So I pray that whoever is raising these young men is putting in the effort required.
Either way, the time is coming and as fathers our questions need to be concise and each needs to have a purpose. This first question seems simple, but I doubt very many boys would answer with the expectations that I have. First, let’s ask the question and then, young men, I am going into coach mode to offer you some advice that will impact the rest of your life.
Question: Who Are You?
Answer: I am (insert name), a son of the living God who has been born again of water and spirit, saved by the grace of Jesus Christ!
Now imagine. You are sitting on an airplane, park bench, or coffee shop and someone sits down and asks, “Who are you?” Most likely the above statement would not be the way you would answer. It would seem odd to most and way too formal. It almost sounds like you are the “Gladiator” when he is asked his name and who he was: “My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius, commander of the Armies of the North, General of the Felix Legions and loyal servant to the true emperor, Marcus Aurelius. Father to a murdered son. Husband to a murdered wife. And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next.”
When answering this question you would probably give your name and then some type of identifier that more explains what you do, not who you are. For example, I might say, I am Tanner Field and I teach and coach. As Christians, we do the same when we explain who God is. Who God is actually very simple. Jesus explains this in the great commission. “Go make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy spirit.” (Matthew 28:19) God is a father, Jesus is a son, and the Holy Spirit is love. Yes, God the father creates, but he does not introduce himself as creator. Yes, Jesus saves, but that is what he does not who he is.
Just like God’s identity is not wrapped up in what he does, neither is yours and mine. What we do helps people understand who we are, but it simply can’t define us. If what you do is your identity and foundation, your life is not built on solid soil as Jesus encourages in the parable of The Wise and Foolish Builders. Who you are drives what you do, not the other way around. You are not a student, you go to school. You are not an athlete, you play sports. You are not a businessman, doctor, lawyer, or even a husband and father. You are a son of the living God. Understanding this will shape the rest of your life and allow you to put God first in all things and love your neighbor ahead of yourself.
Take a moment and think about this concept. Could our confusion with identity be part of the reason that many people in the world are suffering with high levels of anxiety? How we answer the question, “Who are you?” is all about our identity. If our identity is not rooted in Christ, then it must be in something else.
The pursuit of wealth, social status, or fame are common mistakes that leave young men lost and in search of a deeper meaning in life. Identity in Jesus Christ is not static; it’s a daily journey of growth in holiness. As you grow in virtue, deepen your relationship with Jesus and strive to be more like him, your transformation will show up in the fruit you bear. Our identity in Christ makes us a pilgrim and our hope is not rooted in wishful thinking but in the conviction that Jesus is who he says he is.
For me, anything outside of Christ is a no go. You for sure can’t marry her without your firm foundation being built on Christ. Also, if I am being honest, I am not praying for a post marriage fixer upper. I don’t expect perfect as nobody is but this is one of the biggest jobs I have on earth. So, stay coachable, keep reading, and accept who you are. You are (insert name) a son of God, saved by the grace of Jesus Christ who desires to be a pilgrim on the Journey to Becoming 3rd.